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Our Mission

Responsibility for the Internet Community

We work in keeping with the principles of RFC1591, in which the requirements for the administration and operation of ccTLDs are defined:

  • We have a duty to serve the Internet community.
  • We are able to carry out the necessary responsibilities, and have the ability to do an equitable, just, honest and competent job.
  • Our legitimation is based on our being rooted in and recognised by the local Internet community.

The global medium Internet is developing at breath-taking pace – and we are a driving force.

Tom Keller
(Member of DENIC's Executive Board)

Our Mission

As the central registry for .de domains, we fulfil our tasks as a not-for-profit organisation, for the benefit of the entire Internet community. Our fundamental principles are impartiality, independence, technical expertise, responsibility and non-discrimination.

The fundamental principles of our Cooperative are laid down in our Statutes.

For our commitment in the area of research and development, we were awarded the quality seal "Innovative through Research" by the German donor association for the promotion of sciences "Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V.", as a sign of the special responsibility we assume for society.