.de Domains
Provider Transfer
Each registered .de domain is administered either by a DENIC member or by DENICdirect. The domain holder can transfer their domain and change the administering party at any time. This change of providers is implemented by means of our AuthInfo procedure, which is protected by a password. The AuthInfo procedure guarantees a quick and efficient transfer of the domain and ensures that the domain can always be reached on the Internet.
This is how the provider transfer with AuthInfo works:
- The domain holder requests their current provider to register a provider transfer password (AuthInfo) at DENIC for the domain concerned. This AuthInfo will be valid for 30 days.
- The domain holder communicates the AuthInfo to the new provider.The new provider submits a provider transfer request with the AuthInfo to DENIC.
- If the submitted AuthInfo is identical with the one stored with DENIC, the domain is moved to the new provider without any further delay.
Read here to learn the details about how to carry out a provider transfer.