.de Registry Lock – An Introduction
For companies, self-employed persons or private individuals alike, the own domain usually is the precious core of their online presence. Today more than ever, cyber attacks, domain hijacking or security holes are a real risk and who wants to make sure that their domain is particularly protected against unwanted manipulation, can now do so with ".de Registry Lock".
The security feature gives the domain holder full control over changes to their domain data, because these may change over time: The holder data as such may change, for instance because the holder has moved, or new name servers to provide access to the content of the website may be entered for the domain or the provider administering the domain must be adjusted due to a provider transfer. The approval for such changes is given by the so-called Lock Contact. The role of the Lock Contact can be assumed either by the domain holder themselves or by a person they trust. The Lock Contact controls any changes to the domain data and actively approves them. It is not possibly to edit any data without the prior consent of the Lock Contact. Thus, the Lock Contact has full control and the domain is equipped with an additional protection.