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Statistics About .de – 2008

Statistics of 2008

Excel spreadsheet with data of all cities and districts in Germany.

Domain Data According to German Federal States in 2008

Federal State Domains 2008 Domains 2007Domain Increase 2007/2008
Domains per 1,000 Population 2008 Population (per 31 Dec. 2007)
Baden-Württemberg     1,440,6171,290,80311.6113410,749,755
Bavaria    2,034,6121,830,209 11.1716312,520,332
Berlin   674,161604,16111.591973,416,255
Brandenburg    209,532192,0639.10832,535,737
Bremen  85,48177,34010.53 129663,082
Hamburg    475,748414,06314.902691,770,629
Mecklenburg Western Pomerania125,720110,60713.66 751,679,682
Lower Saxony911.931826,22310.37 1147,971,684
North Rhine-Westphalia     2,614,0992,346,60111.4014517,996,621
Rhineland-Palatinate502,322457,2109.87 1244,045,643
Saarland112,752101,04411.59 1091,036,598
Saxony379,148339,85711.56 904,220,200
Schleswig-Holstein     404,307365,57610.591422,837,373
Thuringia   178,299164,4298.44782,289,219
Germany   11,264,96310,152,53910.9613782,217,837


Place of residence of domain holders from outside Germany

At the end of 2008,   810,618 .de domains were registered for holders not domiciled in Germany. The graph shows how they are distributed over the various countries in the world.

The 10 Cities and Districts With The Most Domains Per Inhabitant

PositionCity/District Federal State Domains at the end of 2008 Inhabitants at the end of 2007 DOM2008/ POP2007* 1,000 Increase '07/'08 Domains 2007
 1Regensburg Bavaria 51257 132495 386,86 2,81 49858
 2City of Munich Bavaria 447955 1311573 341,54 9,21 410196
 3Bonn North Rhine-Westphalia 106779 316416 337,46 19,63 89261
 4Nuremberg Bavaria 168118 503110 334,16 12,52 149406
 5District of Munich Bavaria 94280 315462 298,86 12,77 83607
 6Frankfurt am Main Hesse 192022 659021 291,37 -0,73 193431
 7Cologne North Rhine-Westphalia 269527 995397 270,77 15,02 234325
 8Hamburg Hamburg 475748 1770629 268,69 14,90 414063
 9Düsseldorf North Rhine-Westphalia 155855 581122 268,20 9,30 142590
10Darmstadt Hesse 35719 142191 251,20 12,01 31890

The 10 Cities and Districts With The Highest Increase in Domain Numbers in 2007/2008

RankingCity/District Federal State Domains 2008 Inhabitants 31,12.2007 DOM2008/ POP2007 * 1,000 Increase '07/'08 Domains '07
 1District of Amberg-Sulzbach Bavaria 10917 107069 101,96 64.34 6643
 2District of Freising Bavaria 40656 164692 246,86 48.33 27410
 3District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg Hesse 16528 125211 132,00 30.69 12647
 4Leverkusen North Rhine-Westphalia 21644 161345 134,15 26.08 17167
 5 District of Esslingen Baden-Württemberg 85579 514503 166,33 25.92 67965
 6Osnabrück Lower Saxony 38864 162870 238,62 25.89 30871
 7District of Kelheim Bavaria 12440 113088 110,00 25.81 9888
 8Leipzig Saxony 83056 510512 162,69 25.51 66175
 9District of Emmendingen Baden-Württemberg 21323 157629 135,27 24.97 17062
10Wuppertal North Rhine-Westphalia 78192 356420 219,38 24.97 62568