News | 28.08.2018

DENIC and CISPA Conclude Scientific Research Agreement

By working with CISPA, DENIC's practical DNS expertise will be paired with and supported by a scientific excellence cluster in the future. "We expect the findings of the cyber security and data protection research conducted at CISPA to add important value to the services we provide," says DENIC CEO Jörg Schweiger. The cooperation with CISPA was triggered by the study "DDoS Fighting Process & Infrastructure", carried out by DENIC in 2015. "For CISPA, this new cooperation offers a valuable new perspective of the German DNS infrastructure," comments Christian Rossow, Professor of System Security at CISPA. "The partnership with DENIC enables us to advance and evaluate important research projects based on real-life conditions." For the time being, the cooperation is planned to extend until 2022. Within its scope, DENIC intends to promote the objectives of CISPA to combine application-oriented research, the corresponding technology transfer and societal outreach, while at the same time making new findings available to the Cooperative at an early stage.

Concrete Research Areas for the Cooperation

  • Testing and optimisation strategies for the DENIC Anycast locations
  • Concepts for tailored scalability of the DENIC Anycast servers
  • DNS policies for Notice & Takedown at registry level
  • Development of a resolver reputation service for protection against DDoS attacks
  • Setting up statistics as a basis for developing defence strategies to combat infrastructure attacks

More about CISPA

With CISPA – Helmholtz Center (in foundation), DENIC has gained a cutting-edge partner for scientific research. CISPA has emerged from the Center for IT-Security, Privacy and Accountability, also short CISPA, established in 2011 as a national competence center for IT security research. As a future member of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers, CISPA will employ more than 500 scientists and offer a world-class research environment committed to the highest international academic standards. The research center is part of the Saarland Informatics Campus, home to other well-renowned institutes such as the Max Planck Institutes for Informatics and for Software Systems or the German Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). CISPA is located in the German city of Saarbrücken.