Internet Governance Forum 2019 in Berlin

Internet Governance Forum 2019 in Berlin: Join In and Have a Voice!

Sharing views on rules, values and standards related to the Internet on an equal footing, with people from all over the world like politicians, NGO representatives or techies, is a rare occasion that must be not missed by members of the interested general public. Hence it is all the more exciting, for the domestic community, that in 2019 the 14th United Nations Internet Governance Forum where such exchange of ideas is not only possible, but highly encouraged will be held in Germany. And the good news is: Everyone is welcome to attend!
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is an annual multistakeholder discussion platform of the United Nations. It addresses current legal, political, social and technical aspects of the Internet. The participants deal with all aspects related to the question of how the Internet as we know it today can be maintained and improved now and into the future. The issues up for discussion include, among others, technical standards, human rights matters, the impact of digital technologies on everyday life and working life, as well as opportunities arising for economic and social development. The IGF has an advisory function and provides an opportunity for all participants to impact the discussions in the relevant decision-making bodies at national and international level.
Save the Date: Berlin, 25–29 November 2019
The IGF 2019 Annual Meeting will be held from 25 to 29 November 2019 at the Estrel Congress Center, under the overarching theme "One World. One Net. One Vision." The event consists of two parts: On 25 November, "Day Zero", events will take place which will be organised by various participants of the IGF independently of the United Nations. Germany as the host country, for example, will organise a high-ranking international meeting of Ministers who are responsible for digital policy with representatives of business and civil society.
The regular IGF conference and workshop programme begins on 26 November. This part was laid down by the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG), conducting a review and selection process based on issue proposals submitted by the interested general public. The MAG is a committee set up by the UN Secretary-General, consisting of representatives of all stakeholder groups (i. e. governments, the private sector, civil society, academia, and the technical community) from all regions of the world. On this day, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel will open the IGF.
IGF 2019 thematic priorities will focus on the following major issues:
- "Data Governance": the technical, legal and organisational aspects of dealing with and exchanging data;
- "Digital Inclusion": matters related to access to and participation in digitisation and its shaping on an equal footing;
- "Safety, Security, Stability & Resilience": matters related to data protection, data security and the protection of people, resources and infrastructures in the digital age.
Different topical aspects of these issues will be dealt with in a number of individual tracks and workshops that are open to all participants.
The Internet Governance Forum depends on the active participation of many committed stakeholders. Do you want to get involved and have a voice in shaping the Internet of tomorrow? Then be there and join the community: Online registration is open since the beginning of August 2019.
DENIC@IGF 2019: Meet us there!
As part of our long-time, continued commitment in the Internet Governance field, DENIC will be an active contributor to IGF 2019 by hosting its own information booth at the Conference Center, within the IGF Village exhibition area.
Feel welcome to meet us face-to-face and find out about our wide-ranging Internet Governance activities, from code donations through the sponsoring of events to the targeted promotion of next-generation IG leaders. Moreover, we will gladly present to you our Internet Governance Radar which is the first comprehensive online information platform on Internet Governance issues both in English and in German for IG novices and advanced users alike. Next to an overview of the global IG players and the dialogues they lead on digital governance issues, it provides, in an ongoing blog format, topical reports on current developments as well as references to Internet governance-related events in Germany, Europe, and beyond.
Just stop by and visit us at Booth 12 in Foyer 1 – we are looking forward to you and your dedicated interest and commitment!