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Mailing Lists

DENIC provides three public mailing lists with archives that include all the messages that have been exchanged via these lists.

  1. public-l

    The public-l@list.denic.de is used for general discussions about .de domains, ENUM domains, and DENIC matters. We also use this list to publish the latest press releases and other announcements.

    Subscribe or unsubscribe to the public-l mailing list

  2. maintenance-l

    On the mailing list maintenance-l@list.denic.de we publish the latest notifications of pending maintenance and fault reports.

    Subscribe or unsubscribe to the maintenance-l mailing list

  3. technews-review-l
    On this mailing list we publish twice a week a selection of up-to-date news from all over the world about domains, the Internet, Internet Governance, ICANN, the new domain endings, etc.

    Subscribe or unsubscribe to the technews-review-l mailing list